Turn, Turn, Turn

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a season and a time for everything. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,… a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” Now, before you break out your Bic lighters and fire up the LP of The Byrds singing Turn, Turn, Turn, let’s pause to consider the time for each tea!

Morning is a brilliant time to start off strong, with a bold black tea! The caffeine in tea is less than in coffee, and yet the bold flavors of an English Breakfast, Earl Grey, or Black Chai awaken the senses. And did you know that holding a hot cuppa in your palms, as you would with a handleless mug or a to-go cup, heats up your heart-line, that vein that runs through the center of your palm straight to your heart? So, drinking a hot cuppa first thing in the morning is a heartwarming way to start the day!


Midday, post lunch, the doldrums of the day require something a little more grounding, a little more refreshing. Wake up your mouth and stimulate your senses with an earthy green Sencha like our Japanese Sencha, our Jasmine green, or our Pacific Holiday Sencha green tea, which is paired with chunks of dried mango, kiwi, and passionfruit. The sweet fruity flavors of Pacific Holiday and the gentle sweetness of jasmine prove to be the ideal mid-afternoon treat. Because green teas are processed less than black teas, they still contain many minerals and antioxidants — making them a natural way to boost your afternoon. And it is widely believed that green teas have less caffeine than black teas.

Pai Mu Tan, a white tea, makes a lovely substitute for the morning’s cuppa black tea. More gentle in flavor than a black tea, it still packs the punch when it comes to caffeine. And with it’s jammy sweetness, it pairs well with your flaky croissant. TI Kuan Yin Iron Goddess Oolong can also fire up the senses come morning or afternoon. Oolong, with its slight fermentation, has a headier flavor and can be an acquired taste. Nevertheless, it warms the belly and the mouth and rejuvenates the spirit. Add raspberry flavors to an Oolong and you get the fresh fruitiness that wakes up any humdrum afternoon.

By the end of the day, most of us have shut down caffeine consumption. Weariness may leave us with digestive issues, headaches, and general anxiety and exhaustion. It’s time to call in the herbals! Peppermint tea, which is strictly peppermint plant leaves, is a natural remedy for indigestion, for respiratory issues, and for foggy brain. Bourbon Street Vanilla, a rooibos infused with almond flavoring, curbs the desire for late night snacking, heavy desserts, and other bad bedtime habits. But for those who just can’t unwind after a hectic day, Serene Herbal, with its sunny camomile flowers, lavender flowers, lemon myrtle and spearmint leaves, calms the nerves, slows the racing heart, and quiets the anxious mind. But be careful serving this one to go! We don’t want anyone falling asleep behind the wheel!